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  • Amber Law Holistic Lawyer

    Holistic Justice Academy

Holistic Justice Courses

1. An introduction to Amber’s Holistic Law Model of Legal Practice

In this basic introduction to Holistic Law Practice, the following questions will be answered. Email for further information.

  • Why should you practice law Holistically?
  • How is Holistic Law Practice conducive to improved lawyer/ client mental health and well-being?
  • Learn 3 easy steps to start practicing as a Holistic Lawyer today

2. Amber’s 7- Step Model of Holistic Law Practice

In this comprehensive course the following areas will be covered. Email for further information.

  • Module 1: The Law Student and Lawyer
  • Module 2: The Client
  • Module 3: The Lawyer-Client Relationship
  • Module 4: The Legal Problem
  • Module 5: Tools They Don’t Teach You at Law School
  • Module 6: How to Create Your Own Holistic Law Office & Practice
  • Module 7: Creativity & Wisdom- Towards an Inspired Legal Practice