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Restorative Justice Within Family Law Systems

Saturday, 5th February 2022 07:00 - 10:00

Sat Feb 5th, 7am-10am Pacific

More information and Sign Up: Click here

Brought to you by Restorative Justice on The Rise, A Global Platform supporting the restorative justice movement since 2011.

During this three-hour interactive presentation, we will examine current Family Law practices and identify how Restorative Justice can decrease potential further harm while increasing the potential for true voice and needs to be heard by both parties in a divorce and/or custody situation.

This is a session for anyone involved in or interested in improving the success of family law results in truly upholding well-being of children while addressing parent conflict of all levels, and decreasing caseloads and drawn out recurrences that require massive amounts of judicial processing time, court attention and money, for all involved.

Your presenter Molly R. Leach has experienced a five-year drawn-out family law case and has insights into the key and critical gaps of its typical process, and how RJ professionals, Judges, Court Officials, and all those involved in traditional systems can support a decrease in caseloads, and more importantly an increase in truly supportive agreements that empower parents and most importantly, their children.

In this class and discussion we will provide suggested process solutions and their steps after identifying the critical gaps that cause harm. We will also present on how a Restorative option in Family Law benefits those within the traditional system.

At this time, Restorative Justice on The Rise (2011-Present) is supported by class income and private contributions in order to continue our work. We also always offer scholarships to those in need, and Youth Under 24 always get passes to any class they wish to attend.

See Early Bird Rates & Options Below! Only $29/Individual and $80/Team of 3 Until Friday, January 28th.


All Dates

  • Saturday, 5th February 2022 07:00 - 10:00

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