1. An introduction to Amber’s Holistic Law Model of Legal Practice
In this basic introduction to Holistic Law Practice, the following questions will be answered. Email amber@amberlaw.gi for further information.
- Why should you practice law Holistically?
- How is Holistic Law Practice conducive to improved lawyer/ client mental health and well-being?
- Learn 3 easy steps to start practicing as a Holistic Lawyer today
2. Amber’s 7- Step Model of Holistic Law Practice
In this comprehensive course the following areas will be covered. Email amber@amberlaw.gi for further information.
- Module 1: The Law Student and Lawyer
- Module 2: The Client
- Module 3: The Lawyer-Client Relationship
- Module 4: The Legal Problem
- Module 5: Tools They Don’t Teach You at Law School
- Module 6: How to Create Your Own Holistic Law Office & Practice
- Module 7: Creativity & Wisdom- Towards an Inspired Legal Practice