Amber Law Celebrates its 2nd Anniversary
Founded in March 2013 by local Barrister, Acting Solicitor and Mediator Amber Turner BSc (Hons) LLM, Gibraltar’s first Holistic Law Firm AMBER LAW is dynamic, fresh and unique. Introducing new holistic practices for a law firm, Amber Law is fast growing and consolidating its core legal team, network of professional counsellors, therapists, holistic practitioners and its media services to provide a well-rounded service that will positively impact clients’ general wellbeing. The focus is on developing and maintaining healthy personal and business relationships. This support and guidance is continued throughout and even after the legal process. AMBER LAW creates a tailor made package for children and adults from all walks of life, to 'Positively Transform Family Life.
Amber Law's Wellbeing Model
Amber says, “Amber Law’s model was created from an amalgamation of my 15 years’ experience in civil and criminal litigation, charity work, studies in yoga practices and my awareness of the great benefits to health of holistic healing practices. I believe that lawyers have an ethical and moral responsibility to help clients resolve their legal issues and any underlying personal issues that may have lead to, or resulted from, their legal situation. Our practitioners have a healthy enthusiasm and passion for resolving conflict in a positive way, with the least animosity and resistance. We investigate every avenue to be able to offer our clients moral support, help them find peace of mind, restore wellbeing and aid the positive transformation from their current life situation, in family breakdown, unemployment following unfair dismissal, or ill health following accident, injury or negligence. It is common that there is a personal challenge which has given rise to the legal problem in the first place and if not treated there will likely be a repetition, a consequent downward spiral in wellbeing which to some feels almost impossible to reverse. We aim to treat both the personal and legal issue together to achieve the best possible ‘life solution” for our clients, their immediate family or support, employers, all of whom are affected. By empowering our clients and supporting them in attaining positive transformation in all areas of life, family and support systems are in turn also positively influenced”.
Amber Law's Working Philosophy
This philosophy extends within the Amber Law working environment. “None of our lawyers operate on annual targets but are instead asked to make financial contributions to the running of the firm. We encourage maintaining a healthy work/ life balance where all work flexibly, remotely and according to their own personal and family needs. This is particularly attractive to professional women (in the main) who are juggling their professional career and young families and find it easier to work from home. Likewise it is attractive to men who want to take home a larger proportion of the fruits of their labour or work in ways to enable them to spend more quality time with the family.
Amber Law’s team comprises individuals who have achieved academic excellence, are knowledgeable, experienced and who share the firm’s philosophy. In particular their lawyers have the ability to empathise with and be sensitive to their clients' legal and personal needs, to provide innovative and creative solutions to a wide spectrum of legal /life challenges, in a safe and confidential environment.
Separation & Divorce
Founder Amber Turner, Barrister of 16 years' experience mainly in Family and Children Law, recognises that not all relationship break downs should result in legal separation or divorce. Going to a lawyer can be a knee jerk reaction. Some relationships can be rescued through counselling, family therapy or Mediation. Other relationships, however cannot and should not be rescued such as those of domestic abuse. Traditional legal services are provided including drafting pre/post-nuptial Agreements, Separation Financial Agreements, obtaining a divorce, advice concerning children such as residence, contact, maintenance, abduction, adoption and property and financial issues. Amber Law litigates, however only as a last resort. Instead lawyers endeavour to remain mindful of the emotional and financial costs to the client. From her extensive experience, Amber has seen positive results when clients are assisted and empowered to make decisions in a calm manner, free from fear, guilt and worry during Mediation or the legal process. The tools to achieve this are brought to the table at Amber Law. It is becoming increasingly popular for both husband and wife, or cohabitees to approach the firm together for joint resolution, a welcome move away from the adversarial system.
Employment Law
Fiona Young, Solicitor of 15 years' experience, Employment law specialist and Interpersonal Mediator joined Amber Law in September 2013 from a background of insurance and general litigation. She adds that, “In a business setting the Amber Law philosophy promotes improved communication, cooperation, and conciliation. When matters do need to be dealt with in court proceedings, Amber Law assists with all aspects of a case, guiding clients professionally through the legal process, keeping their interests and needs as the paramount consideration”. Fiona offers an efficient and effective service for both employers and employees including cases of redundancy, unfair dismissal, bullying/ harassment, sex, race, age discrimination. Fiona provides businesses with legal services tailored to their needs such as document drafting, employment relations, contractual disputes and insurance claims. Aware of the specific and changing needs of both new and established businesses, Fiona provides sound, reasonable and commercial advice in a wide range of situations.
Cross Border Services
Francisca Luna Ivars – Spanish Legal Consultant & Mediator started practice in 1989 and has known Amber since 2006. Francisca is happy to be collaborating with Amber Law, offering local clients with legal advice and services about issues affecting them across the Gibraltar/ Spanish border. Francisca is an acknowledged expert in matrimonial law and has been secretary of the Family Rights Commission of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Cadiz since 1999. She is also an experienced commercial litigation lawyer and is highly regarded amongst her peers. She lived in the United States for two years, where she studied Computer Assisted Small Business Management. In July 2013 she finished a Mediation course in civil cases and mortgages and has a Masters in Civil and Commercial Mediation. Meetings are held in the Gibraltar offices for the convenience and comfort of local clients.
Mediation Services
Both Amber and Fiona are accredited Mediators with experience in resolving interpersonal disputes in matrimonial, employment and other disputes such as landlord and tenant concerns. The system applied of encouraging communication of interest and emotion while supporting participants in actively listening and empathising with the other party, has demonstrated an empowering method of dispute resolution. Fiona commented, “Nowadays increasingly, people want to take control of their own issues and want to come up with the solution themselves. The process of mediation achieves this in an effective and economic manner”.
Holistic Legal Services
Amber ends, "If our client has recently separated, suffered an accident or injury, is discriminated against at work because of age, sex or race or being bullied at work, this will undoubtedly have a negative impact on state of mind, leading to stress, anxiety and even depression. In addition our client will also have family, children, friends, colleagues, employers, all of whom will likely be influenced by the negativity and upset, causing them, in turn worry in the ‘ripple effect’. We resolve legal issues, but we do not necessarily see this as the end of the process. We deem it our moral responsibility not to simply leave the client walk out at that stage with no resolution to their personal/ heath needs. What about his/ her stress? Anxiety? Depression? Self esteem? What of the well being of those connected to our client? What of assisting in resolving these issues? How will they move forward after their legal problem is fixed? This is where our holistic service comes into play for which we do not charge a fee. I see this as our ‘giving back to our community’”.
We invite experienced lawyers who share our philosophy to join us - please send us your CV to info@amberlaw.gi.
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