Renowned Artists Mario Finlayson and Vin Mifsud at the Gibraltar Fine Arts Gallery
Amber Law celebrates the Arts as tools for self-expression and healing. Art is also a great way to decorate an office environment, a boardroom or conference room where you will meet with your clients. Art can create an atmosphere of peace, harmony and tranquility and set the mood for your meeting. Being conscious of our surroundings, the effect and impact on our subconscious mind of what we put in it, is as important at work as it is at home- after all, many of us spend more hours at the office than we do at home! Why not take a look around your office, boardroom and conference room? How are the walls decorated? What feeling would you like to evoke when you walk into these rooms? Does your current artwork/ decor align with the mood you wish to sit and work in for countless hours, or meet with clients in? If not, why not visit a Gallery or attend the next Art Exhibition and gift yourself, your colleagues and clients a new 'vibe' and experience at your place of business?
Talented Artist Vin Mifsud at the Gibraltar Fine Arts Gallery
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