The Essence Foundation, Huelva, Spain
Amber Turner, Founder of Holistic Law Firm Amber Law, is always on the go, attending courses, workshops and other events where she can meet new collaborators to add to the firm’s Holistic Well-being Network for the benefit of lawyers and clients alike. Amber first attended an Essence Course in 2008 in Spain, having been recommended by a colleague at the time called Richard Cave.
The Essence Foundation Process provides cutting edge, experiential personal development courses. It was founded in the UK in 2003 by Family and Systemic Psychotherapist and Psychologist Dr Menis Yousry. He has facilitated over 1,500 events in more than 40 locations worldwide. His courses allow people to re-examine their internal unconscious map of the world that was formed early in life and transform the influences it has on their current experiences and relationships.
Dr Yousry skilfully combines therapeutic, biological and psychological approaches inspiring participants to gain deep insights into how to feel, understand and manage their emotions. He offers alternative, new experiences as an effective tool for creating new possibilities and the best chances to feel safe and enjoy healthy relationships. “Making these experiences available to our clients means to potentially free them from emotional pain they may have been carrying since childhood, which has affected decisions they have made and possibly shaped their current circumstances," i.e. having a legal problem/ challenge. Having Menis as a Professional to whom to refer Amber Law clients and friends has resulted in these feeling more empowered and ready to positively transform their lives post the legal process. It is personally very rewarding as well as professionally satisfying to witness the life change.
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