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Non Violent Communication Skills & Conflict Management Training, London

14 July 2017

Amber Turner BSc (Hons) LLM, undertook the Non Violent Communication (NVC) Skills Training & Conflict Management Training in London, UK.

NVC may be used as a conflict resolution tool; as a support for personal growth; as an empathy process or to facilitate social change.

On its simplest level, NVC is a set of tools that help us to resolve conflicts more effectively. Many of us are culturally habituated to focus our attention on judgement, blame and diagnosis of self and others, especially when we are in conflict situations. Focusing our attention in this way often results in increased tension, conflict and even violence.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a simple, profound and learnable process that trains us to focus our attention on a different place – the powerful human needs, such as respect, understanding and safety, that are the motivation for everything we do and say. When we focus our awareness on our and others’ needs it facilitates deep understanding of self and others. Communicating from this place opens up possibilities for flexible and creative solutions to even the most entrenched conflicts.

“Every judgement and criticism is the tragic expression of an unmet need.” – Marshall Rosenberg, creator of NVC.