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Art as a Practice of Observation, Self-Reflection & Contemplation

21 September 2017

Amber Law includes in its Holistic Well-being Network, Art as a therapy, a healing and empowerment tool for its clients, because of Art’s transformative powers. But it is also a Practice to hone my Lawyer/ client skills.  When travelling for business I always plan some time to visit a museum, gallery, exhibition, installation- any space which provides the opportunity for observation, self-reflection and contemplation.  In this photograph you can see me taking my time to observe, self-reflect and contemplate Giovanni Battista Crespi's painting called Il Cerano The Baptism of Christ 1601 at the Staedel Museum in Frankfurt, Germany.

When working with clients, other Lawyers, Judges or collaborators, in order to give of your best, I believe that it is crucial to be grounded in your value system, including being strong in your integrity. 

Integrity is not only about being honest and having strong moral principles.  It is also about being in a state of ‘wholeness’. This requires knowing yourself and being in a state of mindfulness; being present to others and being emotionally as well as intellectually available. Art both inspires and triggers us, much like our human interactions!

Practising observation, self-reflection and contemplation in such spaces provides an opportunity to reflect, reassess, restore and renew.  Importantly, it also provides an opportunity for you to go with and connect with your true essence.  Why not give this a try?