Enlightened Warrior Training Camp Lumut, Malaysia
The Enlightened Warrior Training Camp led by actress, stunt woman, author and martial artist Marjean Holden taught in a jungle in Malaysia, offered me the opportunity to become aware of and strengthen my mindset, emotional health and physical capabilities.
The course was taught over 5 days and around 400 people from all over the world participated. The youngest was aged 12 and the oldest participant was in his mid 70s. There were able bodied and those with physical disabilities. All welcome, all equal, all one human family. A community spirit fostered almost immediately. All of us had a shared desire to develop in a positive way and to take our personal and professional growth and contribution to the next level.
What is a Warrior of Light? To me a Warrior of Light is a person who carries high values and sense of moral justice as well as hope- hope that s/he can improve his/ her levels of awareness and consciousness; hope that the world can be better; that light will overcome the darkness and that the light within each of us when tapped into, can overcome the darkness within ourselves and in others. Whilst to some this language may seem far detached from legalese; I’d say this metaphor is actually inextricably linked with the world of law and court rooms: where lawyers (warriors of light) seek to restore ‘justice’ (light) for their clients who have been thrust into conflict/ dispute/ injury (darkness). The practice of law is about restoration; restoration of what? Of balance, hence the scales of justice. Restoring the balance between what? Between light and darkness or positive and negative energy (it is a scientific fact that everything is energy). This is a measure by which we can examine our own thoughts, words and actions, as well as those of our clients and those with whom they are in ‘conflict’. I firmly believe that many lawyers become lawyers to affect that kind of positive change in peoples’ lives- to take into account of clients’ shared humanity and to find restoration within the legal process.
If we forget that we are spiritual beings living a human experience and that as Lawyers our journey is as a, ‘Warrior of Light,’ it is easy in this highly demanding and stressful profession, particularly as litigators, to get lost in the ‘darkness’ of the stress, anxiety, interrupted sleep patterns, palpitations, depression, negative thinking and even death by suicide. These are some of the consequences of the constant need to keep updated with changing laws; being immersed in conflict daily listening to distressing and at times disturbing client testimonials about their disputes, conflict, pain and suffering, particularly in the areas of crime and family law; working long hours to meet multiple closing deadlines; the impact of adjournments on lawyers’ already stretched timetables and on clients whose expectations and emotional needs must be carefully managed throughout; the financial pressures of meeting business overheads; staffing requirements; obtaining resources including keeping updated with technology; meeting our own rules, regulations and standards of conduct within the profession… and the list goes on.
At Law School we are trained to advice our clients on their legal rights and responsibilities according to the law of the day. We are not taught, however, how to manage our mindset and emotions, nor how to practice from a place of connection with our light; our inbuilt system of values and morals; within the demanding legal profession. We are not made aware that managing our clients’ mindset and emotions is equally as important if they are to give instructions and make decisions about their lives from a place of mental clarity rather than high, charged emotion when making the right decision will be unlikely.
I therefore pledge a commitment to continue throughout my legal career, investing in Personal and Professional Development to support my self-care and also to support me growing into the best version of myself I can as a human being and a lawyer; to, in turn, provide the best possible holistic legal services to my clients and their families. Victory to the Light!
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