How to build your website, London
In one of my earlier posts, I highlighted the need for Lawyers, like any other effective business people, to keep updated with changes in technology and marketing platforms. Anyone who knows me well will know that aside from being challenged in the cooking department, I also have an instant allergic reaction to anything ‘technological’!
Being committed to my professional development however, I followed the advice of Susan Jeffers Book entitled, ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway,’ and signed up to a course.
Fear is one of our automatic human responses to anything we feel threatened by; any form of change can trigger this response in us. Fear also paralyses. To get past the paralysis I did a few things: (1) let go of self-judgment (2) accepted that I could delegate the technological aspects but that (3) I could learn what variety of content to post on Amber Law’s website which would be of increased value to visitors and clients (4) acknowledged it would be an opportunity to stretch my comfort zone and (5) expand my network!
I hope that the quality of this website and content value is a reflection of the investment made as well as a testament to my website technological expert Richard Cropper’s skill and talent: but we are always open to feedback, so please feel free to contact us with any constructive feedback to improve our product! We are here to serve.
Amber with trainer Andrew Lock
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