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Business Skills Development Course and Banksy, Amsterdam

18 February 2018

Amber in Amsterdam- Business Skills Development Course and Banksy

Law Students are taught about many things ‘legal’; but one of the most important skills to hone for any lawyer aspiring to run his or her own practice, are business skills. When I opened Amber Law in March 2013, I knew absolutely nothing about running a business as to that date, I had always worked for other law firms.

The ‘to-do’ list of items solely for the setting up of the business was longer than my arm! Then there were the ongoing matters to oversee such as renewals of Professional Indemnity Insurance cover and Business Registrations, Accounts (billing, collecting and cash flow), utilities to pay, staff to manage, IT updates and backups, and that list also goes on and on. Running my own business has given me a new level of appreciation of other businesses I have worked for and their operating systems and it has also given me a better insight into Employers in my Employment Law cases.

Another aspect that is also not taught in Law School is our own relationship with money- are we friends with money or do we have negative belief patterns surrounding having money? Also, what is the psychology behind managing staff, service providers and clients?

To me, every day is a day when I have the opportunity to learn something new that can assist me in my personal and professional development. Attending this course opened up a higher awareness of my own business psychology, as well as opened up new perspectives and skills to more efficiently and successfully manage my business.

Kinaesthetic learning style where the participants carry out physical activities whilst learning

As always, during my trips I investigate how I can be further inspired by the space I am in. Amsterdam's Moco Museum was hosting Banksy’s ‘Laugh Now’ exhibition. An inspiring message I read was: “Winners… are not those who never fail but… those who never quit”; a reminder of the focus, dedication and consistency required to succeed in any area of life as well as in the legal profession.

The “Girl with balloon”- is one of my favourites of Banksy. “The image evokes the idea that hope is essential, as it gives people the motivation to continue on in life despite seemingly dreary circumstances… the possibility of happiness or satisfaction despite adversity”; how important is this message to those of our clients going through family breakdown, the loss of a job, accident or injury or bereavement?

The quote continues, “Love symbolised by the balloon is a fundamental human need and must be cherished”. This was a beautiful reminder of why I practice Holistic Law.