Elevated Women Event Hosted by Judymay Murphy at the Ritz Carlton, London
It was a privilege to be personally invited by Success Coach Judymay Murphy to her private ‘Elevated Women’ Event at the Ritz Carlton, London. I have great admiration for Judymay who is an author, an actress and writer for television, because she has a genuine interest in supporting others through her work, which she is truly passionate about. Founder of nutrition business, show-business bootcamp operator and guest on television programmes on American Broadcasting Company, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Warner Brothers Television, Judymay generously shares her knowledge and experience with others for their wellbeing and personal growth.
Judymay trained under Deepak Chopra and for several years under Tony Robbins, after which time she set up her own coaching businesses in Los Angeles and Paris. She is now based in London.
Aside from imparting her own gifts, Judymay invited a platform of Speakers from diverse backgrounds to what was an intimate and powerful experience. I met inspiring women (and men) who shared genuine testimonials of the ups and downs, successes and challenges of their own journeys, whilst teaching us valuable life lessons and practical tools to help us along our own pathways.
Amongst the Speakers was actor William Jongeneel Brand, who starred in ‘Women in Gold’ with Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds as Herr Feldmann; and in ‘Muppets Most Wanted’ with Ricky Gervais, as Berliner 2. William taught us techniques on the importance of physical awareness and voice projection; both very much needed qualities for lawyers/ barristers. I’ve always professed that many barristers are in fact, frustrated actors!
I was also delighted to meet Broadway and West End Choreographer Xena Gusthart who was also a guest to the event. Xena has credits including dancing and choreographing for Kylie Minogue, Rita Ora, Nike, Adidas, Bat out of Hell and Bodyguard The Musical; as well as performing for television and voice over work. Xena is also a model and photographer. Being a lover of dance and the Arts, meeting Xena was a truly motivating experience.
True to the title of Judymay’s Event, having spoken to Xena about my Holistic Legal Practice and my wish to rebrand and further develop Amber Law’s mission, she immediately offered to support me by taking my new website photographs! We organised the venue (with the assistance of Judymay); wardrobe (basically everything I had in my weekend trolley-suitcase!), make-up, accessories (my own) and had the photoshoot organised within 24 hours. This was a real ‘woman elevating woman’ experience for which I am truly grateful to both Judymay and Xena.
As a lawyer, or in any walk of life, always be open to the opportunities of meeting new people and creating genuine connections because the truth is that we can learn, support and be supported by so many, no matter what age or stage of life they are at. Being open, honest and authentically yourself, communicating from a place of humility and service is key to unlocking new life enriching experiences.
For further information, please contact: amber@amberlaw.com
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