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Reunion with Alexander Roseman - Piccadilly, London

05 June 2019

I first met Alexander Roseman whilst queueing amongst nearly 900 participants registering for the Millionaire Mind program in London, early 2017. At the time Alex was working for the world’s largest seminar promoting company that represents global names such as Richard Branson, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Kiyosaki and Tony Robbins to name a few.

Alex has a great smile, personality and was very helpful at all times- we instantly connected because we have values and life goals in common. I learned that Alex is an actor, extra, model, TV and radio presenter and I always love meeting creatives!

When attending any event, I now focus on connecting with between 1-3 people in a meaningful way and remain in contact with all moving forward. Alex was one of the three at that event. Previously I used to think networking was about doing the, ‘marathon around the room, dishing out and collecting random business cards,’ in a genuine but misguided attempt at networking- only later forgetting who was who and why there might be a win-win relationship from our connecting! Maybe some of you can relate to this?

Alex and I have remained in contact during these past 2 years, so as I was flying into London for the first meeting of The International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence UK Chapter, I found time to meet Alex in Piccadilly, for a catch up. I was enthralled to hear about his upcoming book and TV series about love and relationships and we had fun brain-storming ideas for his book cover. With my experience of almost 2 decades in separations and divorce, it was interesting to discuss the other side of the coin- that is, romantic love.

I have learned that one of the keys to success in life is to surround yourself with successful people- by that I mean people who lead fulfilled lives, who are heart-centred; have a mindset for personal growth and passion for contribution and service to others. Celebrating others’ success is another key. By breathing in the vibration of success and happiness even if another's, you attract more experiences of success and happiness into your own life.

So, I invite you to think carefully about who you spend your time with and the quality of the conversations you have? Do you invest time supporting each other’s’ goals and celebrating each other’s ‘wins,’ however small? Or, do you spend time and energy on gossip, blaming and complaining? Whatever you focus on is what you will bring about in your life experience. The good news is that when you become aware of this, you can make new life choices on a daily basis and create a more successful present and future, both personally and professionally.

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