Part One: How I met Eric, our friendship and his positive impact on my life...
The Extraordinary Eric Rowbottom’s E-M-Power Challenge 2022!
“One Disability, Many Abilities…”
I first met Eric when I was 17 years old. I had managed to secure a summer placement at the local telephone company as a Customer Services Rep, where Eric was designated my boss. We instantly hit it off as Eric has a great sense of humour and a magnetism that had me applying for the same student summer placement 3 years in a row! We have been friends ever since.
Thanks to Eric, I joined the then Gibraltar Disability Awareness and Information Group (G.D.A.I.G.) which meant I became involved with the team in participating in Disability Awareness Day (D.A.D.) events and auditing levels of accessibility around town not only for wheelchair users, but also for people who were challenged with hearing, visual and other impairments. Eric’s energy is uplifting, motivating and contagious. Simply put, knowing him has made me a better, more educated and empathetic human being as regards all things ‘disability’.
Eric’s drive and determination to create more inclusive environments for all is infectious, so much so, that he inspired my choice of thesis topic for my undergraduate degree in Surveying (before I transitioned to law), which was a study on ‘Creating an Accessible Environment’ for Gibraltar. His support of my work contributed to my achieving a First Class honours degree and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Branch Prize Award for best dissertation. This research/ work led to my involvement as a Student Consultant for the Gibraltar Main Street Beautification Project in conjunction with Procon Architects and the Town Planner Paul Origo. Eric made all that possible for me by making me aware and awake to the discrimination and challenges (injustices) faced by the local disabled community- many of which could be properly addressed and are therefore unnecessary! Eric has benefitted so many others like me in the ripple effect he brings about, as the natural inspirational leader he is.
In 2000 Eric and I opened Gibraltar’s first Shopmobility Centre with the help of sponsorship from many local businesses so that we were also responsible for the purchase of the first fleet of mobility scooters to be sold locally through the local business ‘Auto Sport’. This project brought joy and independence to so many locals and visiting tourists for years following.
I mention all this as a testament not only to our friendship, to Eric’s amazing impact on my education and life but also to his far reaching legacy which generations to come will be benefitting from. He not only creates change himself as the powerhouse he is, but he has inspired so many of us to co-create and build towards fairer, more equitable environments, he has influenced updates in respective Governments' policies and legislation, raising awareness and engendering positive changes around disability both socially and culturally over decades! This selfless dedication rightfully earned him Queen Elizabeth’s MBE award and the Mayor’s Award (among others).
Eric contracted polio when he was 8 years old and has been a wheelchair user ever since. He is now 59 years old. He is married to his soulmate Cathy and has two children and seven beautiful grandchildren. He is a performing musician and avid creative photographer covering many local events. Eric has campaigned and raised funds for disability-related charities by doing numerous arduous marathons, abseiling down parts of the Rock of Gibraltar, deep-sea diving and performing various other ‘stunt-like’ activities that even Mission Impossible actor Tom Cruise would shun (and he is not in a wheelchair)!
So when Eric sent me an invitation to attend the launch of his E-M-Power Challenge, my brain started doing somersaults trying to work out what could possibly be next?!… Find out in Part Two! In the meantime, for those wishing to donate to the Special Needs Action Group in Gibraltar, please see below.
Payments can be made to:
Special Needs Action Group
Account number 10433301
IBAN number GI03 TNOV 0000 1043 3300 001
Currency GBP/ Pound Sterling
Trusted Novus Bank Limited
Swift/ Sort Code TNOVGIGI / 40-51-78
For further information: email: specialneedsactiongroup@gmail.com tel: +350 5757000
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