Part Two: About Eric and his E-M-Power Challenge 2022...
The Extraordinary Eric Rowbottom’s E-M-Power Challenge 2022!
“One Disability, Many Abilities…”
Eric contracted polio when he was 8 years old and has been a wheelchair user ever since. He is now 59 years old. He is married to his soulmate Cathy and has two children and seven beautiful grandchildren. He is a performing musician and avid creative photographer covering many local events. Eric has campaigned and raised funds for disability-related charities by doing numerous arduous marathons, abseiling down parts of the Rock of Gibraltar, deep-sea diving and performing various other ‘stunt-like’ activities that even Mission Impossible actor Tom Cruise would shun (and he is not in a wheelchair)!
So when Eric sent me an invitation to attend the launch of E-M-Power Challenge held at Gibraltar’s World Trade Center on 16th June 2022, my brain started doing somersaults trying to work out what could possibly be next?!…
I arrived to a packed foyer with Eric’s wife, two children and grandchildren, extended family, so many friends, local business people and charity workers, TV cameras and journalists- ready with their cameras - all of us ready for Eric to assuage our intrigue!
"…On the 24th September 2022, weather permitting, Eric, with the use only of the strength of his upper body, is going to climb the Mediterranean Steps in Gibraltar, accompanied -but unassisted. This is a nature trail and path described as, 'not for the faint hearted… not for those who are out of shape or fear heights…'. Eric will set off at Jews Gate, 180m above sea level, trek a distance of 1.4 km and navigate a steep incline taking him up to 421m above sea level!" E= Eric; M= Med Steps; Power is what Eric will need to achieve this incredible goal…
See: https://www.visitgibraltar.gi/see-and-do/military-history/mediterranean-steps-12 for photos of the route.
Eric says that, “The challenging route mimics the obstacles and barriers that disabled people face on a daily basis. The ups and downs, the obstacles, the pain, the need for assistance at certain moments in one’s life and sheer determination that it takes to fulfil your dreams and reach personal goals”.
Eric’s goal is to raise £100,000.00 for the Special Needs Action Group (SNAG) Charity whose committee includes lay people with children with various disabilities. Eric, Atrish Sanchez, Sabrina Spiteri Cano, Leanne Collado, Joe Norton and Bianca Perez work tirelessly to support children and young adults with SEN and their families, aside from juggle their own personal and work lives, which is admirable.
SNAG create classes and workshops as well as donates targeted equipment/ other accessories to support children’s special educational needs (SEN) at St Martins and St Bernadette’s schools as well as to support students with SEN in mainstream schools. Part of the proceeds will also be donated to GBC Open Day Charities.
My Holistic Law Firm, Amber Law, (www.amberlaw.com) will be donating towards Eric’s E-M-Power Challenge. I invite you to join me with the honour of supporting this brave and generous man, who will be giving his all -mentally, emotionally and physically… an act of pure, unconditional love, to EM-POWER children, young adults and adults in our community to live the best lives they can - because as Eric teaches, “there may be one disability, but many abilities”. As I set out in Part One, not only will he be changing the lives of those with special needs but he is a warrior of light shining on all of our community- inspiring us to also do better, be better and reach our own full potential.
DONATE TODAY and be part of this momentous (possibly Guinness Book of World record-breaking) challenge! How you can DONATE…
1. Organise an event at school, at your organisation, at work or with family and friends. Raise funds and Eric/ SNAG will gladly attend your event to give a presentation and/ or talk about SNAG and/ or the E-M-Power Challenge 2022
2. On 24th September 2022 join Eric on the Mediterranean Steps by meeting at 10.00am by the Retreat Centre. A £5.00 registration fee applies.
3. Become a Corporate Sponsor for a minimum donation of £100.00 and accompany Eric at different stages of the route.
4. Donate personally
Payments can be made to:
Special Needs Action Group
Account number 10433301
IBAN number GI03 TNOV 0000 1043 3300 001
Currency GBP/ Pound Sterling
Trusted Novus Bank Limited
Swift/ Sort Code TNOVGIGI / 40-51-78
For further information: email: specialneedsactiongroup@gmail.com tel: +350 5757000
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